1·We now had our money invested in the booth that we had rented for the summer and fall months.
2·If you do the percentages, Israeli companies have returned 8.6% of the money invested over the last eight-plus years.
3·In that case the money invested in the angel round just converts into stock at the valuation of the next round, no matter how large.
4·Looking back at all the money invested in my more than 20 years of formal education, I feel short-changed by my income and quality of life.
5·Three indicators reveal the extent of emphasis on new business creation: money invested, time invested and size of new business creation pipeline.
6·The new holders, the money invested to go through a Jiancang period, the transitional phase and recovery phase, and certainly slower than the other normal funds.
7·Venture capital is the money invested or loaned by venture capitalists to new businesses that show the potential for above average growth, usually in new industry.
8·It is calculated as a ratio of the money gained or lost on that investment relative to the amount of money invested, and is typically stated as a percentage rather than as a dollar value.
9·Hedge funds are private, largely unregulated pools of capital whose managers can bet on falling as well as rising asset prices, and participate substantially in profits from money invested.
10·When I invested my money with the company I was told it was as safe as the Rock of Gibraltar.
—— 《牛津词典》